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Activity Zone 3-5
Activities for ages 3-5
Here you will find suggested activities, snack ideas, and new learning challenges to try. These will be updated monthly to give you a variety of stimulating and exciting tasks to do with your child.
Recipe to try
Oven Roasted Potato Wedges
You will need;
4 large potatoes
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tsp mixed herbs or 2 tbsp of fresh herbs finely chopped
Sealable plastic container
Preheat oven to 400 F
Cut the potatoes into wedges
Put oil into the plastic container with the herbs
Add the potato wedges
Close tightly and shake
Put potatoes onto baking tray to go into the hot oven
Bake for 15 minutes, turn over and bake another 15 minutes until brown
Physical Activity
Up and Over
You will need a rope, two chairs and a soft ball.
Tie the ends of the rope to chairs.
Begin with the rope close to the ground.
Bounce the ball on the near side of the rope so that it goes over the rope. Let it bounce on the other side before collecting or catching it.
Play with a partner-rally the ball back and forth and use a chart to keep count.
Language and Literacy
This week for our language and literacy activity I have recorded on Elluminate the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle for those of you who may not have this story at home. If you have it at home read the story with your child, if not go on-line and watch the recorded story. Then print off the sequencing activity to go with the story. Have your child color the pictures and then cut them out. After this use the cut out pictures to retell the story putting them in the correct order. Refer back to the book or the recorded story if they need help remembering the sequence of events.
You can find the recorded session under our activity post link labeled The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
Science Experiment
Lava Bottles
You will need; a clear plastic water bottle with a lid, water, vegetable oil, food coloring, salt, spoon.
Pour water into the bottle, fill to 1/3 full. Add about the same amount of vegetable oil to the bottle. Observe.
Add a few drops of food coloring. Observe. Put the lid on tightly. Shake the bottle vigorously, observe.
Allow the bottle to sit undisturbed for a few minutes. Observe. Add one spoonful of salt to the bottle and observe. Repeat the salt step as many times as you’d like.
What happened when you:
Added the oil? Did it mix with the water?
Added the food coloring? Is the food coloring in the oil or the water?
Shook the bottle.
Let the bottle sit after shaking.
What did you notice after you added the salt? Where did the salt go? What did the oil do?
Sing/Finger Play
Up To The Ceiling
Up to the ceiling, down to the floor
Left to the window and right to the door.
This is my right hand, raise it up high.
This is my left hand, reach for the sky.
Right hand, left hand twirl them around.
Left hand, right hand pound, pound, pound.
Arts and Crafts
Gather old flyers that can be cut up, 4 sheets of blank paper, scissors and glue.
Label each page 1st-breakfast, 2nd-lunch, 3rd-supper/dinner and 4th-snacks.
Have your child go through the fliers and cut out pictures of healthy foods that belong in each meal and then paste them on the corresponding sheet of paper.
Post these in the kitchen, they can be a great reference for healthy eating for your child.
Healthy Snack Idea
Yummy breakfast or snack idea
Toss dried cranberries and chopped walnuts into instant oatmeal.
Try different types of dried fruit and nuts that your child likes.
We love to see how these activities turn out for you. Send us in photos of your child and/or family trying them out. We hope you have fun!
Northern BC Distance Education School – 10511 99th Ave Fort St John, BC V1J1V6
Phone: 250-261-5660 | Toll-Free: 800-663-9511 | Fax: 250-785-1188 | Email: info@keylearning.ca