Student Portal

One stop access to all things for KLC students.

SD60 Courses D2L Brightspace LMS with online courses and grades for all KLC, BUICK and Wonowon Courses.
Learn60 Courses MOODLE LMS with online courses and grades for all old KLC courses.
  Over Drive Online Library System
Drive by Google – Store all your course work, plus online access to Docs, Spreadsheets, Presentations and more!
Gmail – access to your emails. This is where your teachers will communicate with you and the school sends your report card.
Course Companion website by Open School – excellent resource for all paper-based courses. Also a resource for online courses.
Rosetta Stone by KLC (formerly NBCDES) – For use in Intermediate to Middle School programs at KLC.
Library @ KLC (formerly NBCDES) – Search the NBCDES library for a book to read or to help in your studies. Remember to choose NBCDES in Libraries.
Course CDs – Page to Access Our Online CDs for your courses. This requires login.
Testing Centres – Outside of Fort St John.
Scholarship and other financial websites for students.
Graduation Checklist
Ministry Transcript System Tutorial
Ministry Transcript System
Other Resources – List of free resources to supplement your education.
Automatic Work Estimator – Handy Spreadsheet for calculating time to completion for assignment based courses.
Tutors – Need help with school work? Maybe find a tutor here.

We also offer a tutorial service called PAPER.  It is available 24 hours per day – 7 days per week – all year long.  It features live subject area specialists who will work with you through any questions you might have.  This service includes an essay proofing service.  To access PAPER, please contact KLC and request access to the service.  This is no cost to you for this service.  For more info on PAPER, click on the link below: