Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit my work digitally?
Proper file name:
Files must be named clearly. They must identify the course, section and paper being done, as well as who (first and last name) has written the paper.
Setting up the file:
Please set your file up so that the marker has a clear indication of what it is that they are marking. Label each question clearly.
Only one assignment per file:
Please do not submit more than one assignment in each file. Doing so makes it very difficult for our clerical and our teachers/markers to work with your assignments and there is a possibility that you will not get credit for all the work you have done.
How to submit audio files:
Any work that requires an audio file to answer the question should be done in a program called Audacity. For instructions on how to install Audacity, click here.
Where to email your work:
Send all work done digitally to:
nbcdesworktobemarked @
How do I submit my work that is printed?
We have changed the way we work with print assignments in our school. Every print assignment that comes into our school is scanned and sent to your course marker. Your work is returned to you in digital form via your learn60 email account.
To make sure we can get a clear scan of each assignment please follow these steps when you complete your school papers:
Please use a dark pen or pencil. Black or dark blue pen are the best colors when you are using a pen. HB pencils (dark ones) are to be used if you are doing work that might need to be erased.
DO NOT USE Colored pens, sparkle pens, colored pencils, light pencils. They are all very difficult to scan clearly and if you use them you may be asked to redo your work in a darker color so your work is clear when it is scanned to the marker.
When erasing your work, make sure you erase completely including cleaning away the smudge. The scanner has a hard time making sense of smudges.
Please make sure your name is written clearly on the front of the paper.
Please make sure you submit any audio recordings in an MP3 format. For instructions on how to download a free audio editor & recorder click here.
Please indicate on the FRONT PAGE if you want any original artwork, photographs or projects returned.
It is important you include your name, phone number, email address (your learn60 email address), the course name and the section and paper number. If you don’t fill in this information completely it will slow down the process of having your paper marked.
Remember your assignments are returned digitally to your learn60 email account that is provided to you by NBCDES. All information from your teachers and the school will also come to you via this email address. It is very important you check this email account regularly – at least 4 to 5 times per week.
What are the fees for K-12 courses for school age students?
What are the fees for adult students?
How can I pay my fees?
You can pay your textbook deposit or course fees with cash or debit card (in person); or a Visa or Mastercard (in person or over the phone). We will accept an e-transfer if you contact us with a request.
We do not accept cheques.
We ask that you do NOT include your credit card information on your registration package or in an email.
How do I install Audacity?
Audacity is a free Audio Editor and Recorder.
Always download the Beta version, UNLESS you are using Windows 98 or ME. The latest release is 1.3.11 (for Windows 98 or ME 1.3.7 is still available).
Download the program.
To find where it downloaded:
In Windows go to the green start button in the lower left corner of the screen and find the ‘C’ drive. Open Audacity.
On the Mac it will download as a folder onto the desktop. Drag the folder into your Applications folder if desired. (If you are going to be using this program regularly, drag the Audacity icon to your dock for easy access.)
Double click on the Audacity icon to launch the program. You will need to choose the language you want (most will want English) and then you may get the following window pop-up:
Click Allow.
Once launched you will get this welcome screen:
It is suggested that you just click OK here, rather than “Don’t show this again at start up”, so that it can be easily found if you do need help.
How do I setup Adobe Reader?
Adobe Reader is a program that can be used to read and have limited input into PDF (portable document format) files. To download it, go to and simply follow the instructions.
How do I use Audacity?
If you wish to use an external microphone/headset make sure it is plugged in BEFORE you open Audacity. (Or quit the Audacity program and start it again after you have the microphone or headset in. You then won’t see the Internal Microphone button – which, though it looks like a drop down menu, isn’t.)
Click on the record button (red dot) and record. To stop the recording you can click the stop button (yellow square), or tap the space bar. Tapping the space bar again will play the recording.
To delete the recording select the track and tap the delete button or go under Tracks on the top line and Remove Tracks.
To continue, click past the wavelength with your cursor. It will insert a line as below, then click the record button again.
This will add another track below the original one, but will save as one continual track.
NOTE: if you delete any part of the track it all deletes because even though it looks like separate tracks it considers it as one track.
Once the recording is what you want, you need to save it as an MP3 file.
Under File choose Export. Name the file in the Save As (using our naming convention: last name space first name space space course initials with grade level space space module space assignment ie: gibos linda en10 2 1) box. Choose where you want it to save (Desktop makes it easy to find); and from the drop down menu choose MP3 Files.
Click the Save button – you will then be asked to Tag the recording:
Complete as much of this as you wish and click OK
How do I create a PDF file on a Mac?
Apple has implemented PDF printing on the Mac for many years now. Act like you are going to print your document. When the Print window comes up, click on the PDF button. From there, you will get several choices. Select Save as PDF… Save it to your desktop and you can then email it in or if you have access to the Digital Document Management System, you can upload it for marking.
How do I setup Lame?
Click the Download button and an Instruction sheet will come up. Scroll down the page to find the instructions for your operating system (Windows/Mac) and follow them to download.
How do I create a PDF file in Windows?
Microsoft has not included a PDF system in their OS. In Word and other Microsoft products, there are ways to save to PDF. But, what if you want to do it from a program that doesn’t have the option? You print to PDF. As long as the program can print, you can generate PDFs.
Step one is to down load the software from Once you are there, click on the logo:
When prompted, choose to save it to your desktop. After the file is downloaded, choose to Run the Installer.
You may go with the default settings, by just clicking Next. One of the spots that you might want to fill out is the name of the printer.
Once you have completed the install, you can start using it right away. Go to your favorite program and choose Print. Select the PDF printer and click Print. An option screen will come up. At this point, you can choose to Save. It will ask you where to save. You can save it to your Desktop or in your Documents folder. Name it with your name and what course and module you are working in.
Then you can email your work in or use the Digital Document Management System, if you have been given access.